Book a Babysitter/Nanny!

Nannies provides qualified and experienced childcare providers. Our rates are based on both international and local current wage scale for the Child Care Industry. All rates are per Family/Household.

Once the booking is confirmed, a booking fee of USD $10.00 will be added to the total cost. The Booking Fee helps to cover administrative costs and access to a qualified or experienced childcare nanny, thoroughly screened and interviewed. Members do not pay a Booking Fee as this is a part of Membership Privileges. All bookings should be made 24 hours in advance.

You can become a member of Nannies Antigua, which provides you with certain privileges. Members do not pay a booking fee when they book a nanny. Membership is renewed quarterly, and carries a membership fee of USD $25.00.

Our rates are per hour for one child per household and are available upon request. A minimum charge of three hours is applicable to all bookings.

Premium membership is recommended if you are looking to hire a full-time nanny through our agency. It costs USD$40.00 monthly.